Cheryl Godin Artist

Gallery Room 6
Please click on any image to enlarge it and get further information.

Low Flying Aircraft? - SOLD

Hello? - SOLD

West Theater - SOLD

Allen Theater - SOLD

Master Cleaners - SOLD

Silver Spur - SOLD


Going the Wrong Way - SOLD

Underpass - SOLD

Saints & Sinners - SOLD

Cruisers - SOLD

Tepee Curios - SOLD

Caliches - SOLD

Lasso Motel - SOLD

Wigwam Motel - SOLD

Dads Diner - SOLD

Blue Spruce Lodge - SOLD

Franciscan Lodge - SOLD

Sultana Bar - SOLD

Yucca Motel - SOLD

Sahara Inn - SOLD

Grants Cafe 2 - SOLD

Dog n Suds - SOLD

Blake's - SOLD

The Plainsman - SOLD

Super Market - SOLD

Supai Motel - SOLD

Roaring 20's -SOLD

Premiere Motel - SOLD

Drinks - SOLD

Century 21 Motel - SOLD

Sunshine - GIFTED


Theater District, Boston - SOLD

Central & Third - SOLD

Copley "T" Stop - SOLD

All Trains - DC Metro - SOLD

North Station - SOLD

Rail Runner Interior, Albuquerque - SOLD

Castro Trolley @ Grant Street - SOLD

Abandoned Diner - SOLD

Restaurant - SOLD

Motel - SOLD

Wool Warehouse - SOLD

Pool Hall - SOLD

Mr D'z 66 - SOLD

Taco - SOLD

Mr. D'z 66 - SOLD

West Theater - SOLD

66 Motel - SOLD

Santa Fe Lodge - SOLD

Whiting Bros - SOLD

El Don Motel - SOLD

Aztec Motel - SOLD

Rupert Plumbing - SOLD

American Wheel - SOLD

Teepee Curios - SOLD

Sun 'n Sand - SOLD

Valencia Bar Lounge - SOLD

Jack's Lounge - SOLD

Arrow Motel - SOLD

Sunrise at Del's - SOLD

Lucky Boy - SOLD

Lucky Boy - SOLD

Sands - SOLD

Weekly Rates - SOLD

Liquors - SOLD

Blue - SOLD

Club Cafe - SOLD

Galaxy Diner - SOLD

The Ponderosa - SOLD

Frontier Bar - SOLD

El Camino - SOLD

Grants Cafe - SOLD

Garcia's Cafe - SOLD

No Vacancy - SOLD

Kingman Club - SOLD

Hiland Theater - SOLD

The Royal - SOLD

Raupagh - SOLD

Americana (STOLEN)

Blue Swallow - SOLD

Turquoise Tepee - SOLD

El Rey Theater - SOLD

Burgers - SOLD

Escalators Down GIFTED

On The Edge - SOLD

Triple Escalators - SOLD

West 34th Street - SOLD

The Malt Shoppe - SOLD

Malt Shoppe Cowboy - SOLD

Candy Apples - SOLD

Lemonade - SOLD

Elephant Ears - SOLD

Valencia - SOLD

Nachos - SOLD

Candy - SOLD

Totah - SOLD

Shadowland - SOLD

Rio Grande Theater - SOLD

Frontier - SOLD

Jewelry - SOLD

Rarin' to Go - SOLD

Atomic - SOLD

Crossing - SOLD

Motel Safari - SOLD

Inbound - SOLD

The Turnaround - SOLD

Sun & Sand - SOLD

Cafe Sonders - SOLD

Laundry - SOLD

El Rey's - SOLD

Pioneer Motel - SOLD

Desert Sands - SOLD

La Mesa Motel - SOLD

Luna Lodge - SOLD

No Vacancy - SOLD

Lodge - SOLD



De Anza - SOLD

Tewa Lodge - SOLD

Evett's Cafe - SOLD

Kress - SOLD

Gas - SOLD


Sunset - SOLD

Village Coffee - SOLD

Wild One - SOLD

Wheel - SOLD

The Bicycle Shoppe - SOLD

Coffee Shop - SOLD

Brandli's - SOLD

Cuban Cafe - SOLD

Motel - SOLD

Buckaroo - SOLD

4 tracks - SOLD

Nob Hill - SOLD

Kitchenettes - SOLD

Motel - SOLD

Vacancy -SOLD

Motel - SOLD

Totah Theater - SOLD

ABQ 66 Diner - SOLD

Hiland Theatre - SOLD

66 Diner - SOLD